However, the seller was not open to bids from outside the UK. It sold on a single bid.
I have borrowed the excellent auction images for non-profit, educational use.
Note how well every item has its own location and protection against movement within the quality [mahogany?] carrying case. Such a travel case provides ready clues to the replacement and checking that all parts have been safely rehoused following dismantling after use in the field. The loss of a single item would probably make the device useless in the absence of spares. Though I note a rather large object is missing in the front, right corner space. Mounting blocks are fitted there but the space is vacant. The space available looks identical to that of the flange space alongside.
The instrument is provided with hooked, steel, ground pegs, guy lines with tension toggles and a flange-mounted stub mast. This suggests that the instrument was designed to be portable and for temporary erection only. Perhaps for use by expeditions. One can but guess as to the base upon which the mounting flange would rest in use. A handy tree stump, pipe or a sturdy tripod perhaps?
The bare, copper cups of the anemometer must have been most attractive turning brightly in the sunshine. The bronze casing of the head looks deliberately well finished. Despite the overall bare metal finish, the entire construction follows normal practice for British met-office approved instruments. Usually provided by established companies like Casella and Munro. This particular instrument is from Casella and the anemometer parts look [almost] identical to my own Mk2.
The wind vane is also entirely mechanical, weight counterbalanced and rotates below the anemometer. Its pointing angle being read off the large, clear, supplied protractor. Which is graduated by battens in 10 degree steps. Longer battens at 30 degree steps and digits to indicate the 90 degree angles. Most common wind vanes use the compass points.
Click on any image for an enlargement.
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